Beats with Hooks.

Picture for song '"Im Only Human" (with Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Im Only Human" (with Hook)

$45 #1 in Beats with Hooks 81 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Fold" (with Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Fold" (with Hook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 75 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'We'll Be Okay (wHook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

We'll Be Okay (wHook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 150 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Dont Cry" (with Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Dont Cry" (with Hook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 84 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Stay Away" (with Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Stay Away" (with Hook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 82 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"anymore" wHook' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'
Picture for song '"cold" wHook' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'
Picture for song 'i dont wanna know (wHook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

i dont wanna know (wHook)

Hiphop/Rap instrumental with hook

$45 Beats with Hooks 166 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"F'd Up World" (wHook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"F'd Up World" (wHook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 84 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song 'I'm $orry (wHook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

I'm $orry (wHook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 85 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Say A Prayer" w/Hook' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Say A Prayer" w/Hook

This one has an outstanding hook! I do beats with hooks only!

$45 Beats with Hooks 81 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Save Me" wHook' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Save Me" wHook

$45 Beats with Hooks

Picture for song '"Dear Mama" (w/Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Dear Mama" (w/Hook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 80 BPM 4/4

Picture for song 'They Dont Care About Us wHook' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

They Dont Care About Us wHook

$45 Beats with Hooks 147 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Love & Hate" (w/Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Love & Hate" (w/Hook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 130 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Pain" - beat with hook' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Pain" - beat with hook

$45 Beats with Hooks 112 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Trouble" w/Hook' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'
Picture for song '"Angels" (with hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Angels" (with hook)


Beats with Hooks 145 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Angels"(w/Hook) buy 2 get 4' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Angels"(w/Hook) buy 2 get 4

"Angel" (w/Hook) buy 2 get 4

$45 Beats with Hooks 80 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"No Fux" wHook' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"No Fux" wHook

$45 Beats with Hooks 85 BPM 4/4