Beats with Hooks.

Picture for song '"The World Is Mine"' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"The World Is Mine"

$45 Hip Hop 82 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Rich"' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'


$45 Trap

Picture for song '"Glitters Aint Gold"' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Glitters Aint Gold"

$45 Trap 89 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Angel"' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'
Picture for song '"Shadows"' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'


$45 Hip Hop 105 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Not Today"' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'
Picture for song '"Pray For Me" (beat)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Pray For Me" (beat)

$45 Hip Hop

Picture for song '"Pray For Me" (w/Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Pray For Me" (w/Hook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 138 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Mama Said" (beat)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Mama Said" (beat)

$45 Hip Hop 150 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Mama Said" (w/Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Mama Said" (w/Hook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 150 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Therapy" (beat)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Therapy" (beat)

$45 Beats with Hooks 140 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Have A Nice Day" (beat)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Have A Nice Day" (beat)

$45 Hip Hop 76 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Old Me" (instrumental)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Old Me" (instrumental)

$45 Hip Hop 85 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"When It Rains It Pours" (instrumental)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"When It Rains It Pours" (instrumental)

This beat is available WITH HOOK as well.

$45 Trap

Picture for song '"Loyalty" ( instrumental) [1]' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Loyalty" ( instrumental) [1]

Also available WITH HOOK

$45 Hip Hop

Picture for song '"Nightmares" (instrumental)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Nightmares" (instrumental)

Also available WITH HOOK

$45 Beats General

Picture for song '"Equation" (instrumental)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Equation" (instrumental)

$45 Gangsta

Picture for song '"Shadows" (instrumental)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Shadows" (instrumental)

$45 Beats General

Picture for song '"Hollup" (instrumental)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Hollup" (instrumental)

$45 Hip Hop

Picture for song 'Actually' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'


$45 Beats General