Beats with Hooks.

Picture for song '"F'd Up World" (wHook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"F'd Up World" (wHook)

$45 Beats with Hooks 84 BPM 4/4 No samples

Picture for song '"Dear Mama" (beat)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Dear Mama" (beat)

$45 Trap 85 BPM 4/4

Picture for song '"Cold"' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'
Picture for song '"This Pain" (with Hook)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"This Pain" (with Hook)

$45 Beats with Hooks

Picture for song '"Mama" (buy 2 get 4)' by artist 'Beats with Hooks.'

"Mama" (buy 2 get 4)

$45 Hip Hop 4/4